Stage CC Rules



As adopted on Tuesday 13th January 2009 at the 2009 Annual General Meeting by a two thirds majority of the membership

1) The NAME of the Club shall be STAGE CRICKET CLUB

2) The OBJECTIVES of the Club shall be to play cricket and to foster the playing of cricket among members of the Theatrical and Allied Entertainment Professions on the most economical basis possible, extending at all times a cordial welcome to younger members.

3) The COLOURS of the Club shall be GREEN, RED and GOLD. These colours and any motif as approved by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be incorporated into such club ties, caps, shirts, sweaters and other wear as approved by the AGM. A supply of, or access to, such goods should be maintained by the Club and their provision actively promoted, where possible at a subsidised rate.

4) There shall be a Club Flag, incorporating the above colours and motif, which shall be flown during matches wherever appropriate.

5) Every effort shall be made to ensure that the majority of the membership of the Club shall be focused on those whose MAIN occupation is DIRECTLY CONNECTED with the Theatrical and Allied Entertainment Professions. The Club may also accept as Members any persons INTERESTED IN CRICKET who, playing to a sufficient standard and supporting the above objects of the Club are proposed and elected as below. The Club should actively recruit students connected with any of the above theatrical professions who should benefit from a reduced Annual Subscription and/or Match Fees as decided by the Committee. Candidates for election to membership shall be proposed and seconded by TWO MEMBERS and elected at a meeting of the Executive Committee.

6) No Member may use the Club, or aim to use the Club, for personal commercial gain; this to include the Club’s website, stationery, the members’ data base details or any other part of the Club’s machinery.

7) The OFFICERS of the Club shall consist of the President, the Chairman, the Club Captain, the Secretary, the Fixtures Secretary and the Treasurer. The Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting. Any two or more appointments to office may be combined if necessary. The Officers of the Club: The President, Chairman and Club Captain shall always be members of the theatrical and allied professions. The remaining Offices are open to any majority among the Officers of the said professions.

8) The offices of PRESIDENT and CHAIRMAN shall be elected or reconfirmed at the Annual General Meeting. There shall be two or more VICE PRESIDENTS who shall be elected or reconfirmed at the Annual General Meeting. Vice Presidents need not be members of the Entertainment Professions.

9) The MANAGEMENT of the Club shall be the responsibility of an EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and shall consist of the Officers plus Vice-Captains and Match Managers and Nets Manager to a number determined at the AGM and any further number of the Executive Committee that shall bring the number of the Executive Committee to TWELVE. Committee Members shall be elected or re-elected at the Annual General Meeting. A quorum for the Executive Committee shall be FIVE.

10) There shall be no joining fee. The ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION and MATCH FEES shall be determined by the Committee and approved at the Annual General Meeting. Subscriptions shall become due immediately after the Annual General Meeting and paid no later than 1st May or immediately after the election to the Club whichever is the earlier. Payment should be made by standing order.

11) A Match Fee decided at the Annual General Meeting shall be payable by each player in any match.

12) PERSISTENT NON-PAYMENT of Annual Subscriptions or Match Fees shall enable the Executive Committee to consider that the defaulter has surrendered his membership. Such consideration shall only commence after a written request by the Treasurer has been made to the defaulter for non paid items. Full consideration will be given as to the merits in each case.

13) The Executive Committee can at any time expel a member for reasons other than non payment of subscriptions, provided always that the said member IF HE SO DESIRES has the right to refer the matter to the next Annual General Meeting or to a Special General Meeting called for that purpose by the Secretary. The member also has the right to attend such meetings. Confirmation of expulsion will require a two thirds majority by secret ballot of the members present. The member in question shall at all times be advised of his rights under this rule.

14) The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the first three months of each year. A minimum of fourteen days notice shall be given convening an AGM by the Secretary. Members who are unable to attend may vote by proxy via post or electronic means stating their preferences to the Secretary or Chairman. A QUORUM for an Annual General Meeting shall consist of five Executive Committee members and six other members.

15) In addition to the provisions under Rule 14 a Special General Meeting may be called at any time at the discretion of the Executive Committee or shall be called upon receipt by the Secretary of a request signed by not less than twelve members stating the particulars of the matters to be put before the Meeting. Not less than fourteen days notice of a Special General Meeting shall be given to all members. A QUORUM shall be the same as for an Annual General Meeting.

16) Subject to ten days notice in writing to the Secretary of any motion or amending motion, the Rules of the Club shall be altered only by a two thirds majority of the members present or voting by proxy at the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary, before an AGM, shall circulate all proposed changes to the Rules to all members. Rule change motions and amendments must be debated before being proposed and seconded prior to a vote.

17) In all cases of doubt as to the interpretation of any Rule the decision of the Executive Committee shall be accepted which, if challenged, shall be further decided at the AGM.

18)The Executive Committee shall have full powers to deal with any matters not provided for by these rules, but any such decisions shall be ratified at the AGM.

19) At all meetings the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

20) A copy of these Rules shall be supplied to any member upon request and to a new member upon election.

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